30 Brilliant Networking Conversation Starters

30 Brilliant Networking Conversation Starters

Every human being is a natural when it comes to conversing. Starting a conversation is very easy especially if you talking to someone with the same personality as you. You don’t have to know someone to have a conversation with them. It’s inborn. Starting a networking conversation is something very different. How do you walk straight to someone you don’t know at an event ans start talking to them? Asking them questions as a matter of fact. Quit tricky, isn’t it? Don’t sweat. These 30 brilliant networking conversation starters will help you start your conversation in the most interesting way possible:

These are some of the 30 brilliant networking conversation starters to help you get through:

  1. What conversation starter is your favorite? Does it make you happy or satisfied?

This helps you set the right mood and helps you understand how to start your conversation. Besides, it makes them comfortable and more willing to start a conversation with you.

  1. So What do you do?

This gets them into talking first. Remember honest people are always willing to talk about what they do. This also helps you come up with ways on how to move about through the conversation. You will also come up with ways on how you could possibly work together.

  1. What brought you here today?

Most of them are there for business meetings or other show casing experiences. Besides, they get to talk freely about what really brought them to that specific place.

  1. What are you passionate about?

Getting people to talk about their passion is not easy. The way you approach them really matters a lot. By introducing yourself to them, you can make them feel safe and make yourself trustworthy.

  1. What’s your story?

Asking people about their story is always fascinating. It always sparks a non-generic conversation which often leads to positive responses from those interviewed. Be careful on how you ask this question though.

Ask questions based on location – This is the major thing all of you have in common. The place you’re in, the event you’re all attending and the food and drinks being consumed. Use this to strike a conversation on what’s going around.

  1. Have you tired the food here? It’s amazing

There’s no interesting conversation like one that involves food. It’s always fun and enjoyable. Make sure you start it in the right way to make it even more interesting.

  1. How did you get to hear about this event?

No one declines this question. It’s an honest and easy question. They always share how they came to find out about the event.

  1. How do you find the weather today?

Talking about the weather will also lead to a better conversation. You can ask them if they’re either feeling hot or cold. This might lead to other weather patterns and other career advises.

  1. Are you okay with the deluge being fired at us today?

You can ask them how they feel about the issue being brought forward. Ask them if they find anything interesting about it.

  1. Have you been here before?

You can tell them that the venue is very beautiful and then proceed and ask them if they have been there before and if they like the place.

You can break the ice by coming up with newsworthy headlines. Be careful not to heat up political agendas while doing so.

  1. How do you find this event? Is it interesting?

News is such a great betrothal tool when initiating a conversation. Try to be realistic to avoid suspicions.

  1. Can you believe all the craziness?

Make it fun and meaningful. Even if you think it’s boring, never show it.

  1. Did you read the news today?

Most people read newspapers because they want to stay involved in what’s happening in the country. This can be such a great conversation starter.

  1. Did you access this place easily?

Ask them how their mode of transport was or if it was hectic. Come up with fun question to avoid making them feel frustrated.


  1. Did you watch last night’s game?

This can build lots of conversations, especially in men.Just be creative with the questions involved.

Introverts can feel intimidated most of the time but they also have ways on starting conversations such as these.

  1. Mind if I join you over here?

You can let them know that the place is crazy and you need some quiet place. Here you can ask questions without any disturbances.

  1. Since we’re both here, I should introduce myself

Make sure to bring this in a more civilized way. Don’t be rude or too certain when saying this.

  1. I really love your outfit

Everyone likes being complimented. You can easily start a conversation when you tell people they look good.

  1. Where can I get shoes like yours?

This is enough to break the ice. This shows your interest in their personal staff. Be sure to have a fun conversation with them.

  1. I really hate networking

If you sense someone who looks bored, you can walk straight to them and start a conversation. Here you can find most about your mutual distaste.

A little humor goes a long way

  1. I can’t believe my poor taste in clothes

Depreciating yourself can bring a little humor: Be careful not to overdo it.

  1. I only came here for these steaks

Bringing up something jokey can be a direct starter for any conversation. Then make sure to follow it up with your questions.

  1. How terrible do you find Whiskey?

You can come up with this in a very funny way. Ask them to scale it from 1 to 10. This makes you look interesting.

  1. Did you see the prank that just took place?

This might still be funny to some people and making them laugh again might help you have your way with starting a conversation with them.

  1. I make friends for two minutes and but they abandon me

Say this in the cheekiest way then go ahead and introduce yourself. Make sure you don’t sound pitiful.

You can choose to be random. It helps at times.

  1. Do you know any great restaurants around?

Such questions might help you start a conversation very easily without trying to much

  1. Are you a fun of football?

If he/she likes or does not like the question something else might just come up and both of you might end up having a great conversation.

  1. You people seem fun

This might strike up a conversation immediately. Telling people they seem like fun people to be around will always make them feel happy.

  1. What do you think about the songs being played here

Most people like music and this question might just help you kick it easily.

  1. Do you think the event ended well?

Be careful not to sound too judgmental. Ask it the right way and you’ll get positive responses.

These brilliant networking conversation starters will help you have the easiest conversations wherever you go.


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