10 Behavioral Interview Questions You Should Be Ready To Answer

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10 Behavioral Interview Questions You Should Be Ready To Answer

Questions! Questions, and more Questions! Have you ever thought, ‘if only the questions were easier, I would have gotten the job.’ Interview questions are a crucial part of the job applicant screening process. So, be sure to be more prepared for your next interview by brainstorming your answers ahead of time. Interview questions are unavoidable if you apply for a position where a recruiter decides if you’re perfect for the job. Always be ready to answer these 10 behavioral interview questions:

1. Tell Us How You Worked Effectively Under Pressure

Why this question? This is meant to help recruiters understand how much productive you can be when working under pressure. The company also wants to see how you conduct yourself under pressure by asking hard questions during the interview. Be sure the answer you give them is positive and directly corresponds with the question. Give an example of a situation you worked on while under pressure.

2. How Do You Handle Challenges?

Challenges will always be there and the hiring mangers want to see if you are capable of tackling these challenges. Are you proactive at problem solving, or do you simply wait for other people to fix the situation? You can come up with an example on how you solved disputes in your recent job. Refrain yourself from being too proud when explaining the situation. Remember to be humble and professional. Make sure you give a valid explanation because your hiring managers may confirm this from your previous boss and colleagues.

3. Enlighten Us About Working Closely With Someone With A Different Personality From Yours

This is not meant to make you feel timid. This question is supposed to make you show them how you can correspond well with other employees. Remember we are all different in our workplaces and we have to make an effort to connect with others. Avoid talking ill about them. You should instead tell them how the experience was and how hard you worked towards making your relationship better. Be convincing.

4. Have You Ever Made A Mistake At Your Workplace? How Did You Solve It?

Every employee is prone to mistakes. Never show that you are perfect because we clearly know that no one is. It’s good to be honest about it. Mention one that happened recently and share with them how your employer took it. Tell them how you handled it and how much your boss appreciated your honesty. The ability to acknowledge mistakes is better than anything else in any interview.

5. State A Few Examples On How You Set Your Goals.

This question can be quite intimidating if you don’t know how to set your goals. Don’t be quick to answer it. Think about what you’ll tell your hiring mangers. Bear in mind that companies only hire employees with certain goals who will take the company far. Be sure to set reasonable goals which might sound believable. Avoid exaggerating because recruiters might smell deceit from a distance. List down a few goals you think might also change how the company views some of its prospects.

6. What’s The Toughest Decision you’ve made In the Last Six Months?

This is meant to evaluate your reasoning power and better judgment. Most importantly, it also shows your willingness to take smart risks. You should be smart when answering this question. Also, you can let them know that you made difficult interpersonal decisions which needed interpersonal circumstances. You can also hint a little bit of what happened but you can also choose not to go into details. Be specific about it too to avoid taking too much time talking about it.

7. Have You Ever Been Right But Still Had To Follow Directions?

All of us have been right at some point but certain circumstances have made us keep our solutions to ourselves. This is meant to evaluate a candidate’s ability to lead other people. In your interviews, avoid saying, ‘Bosses are not always right. They are prone to making mistakes too and that’s why I know I was right the other time. You can instead be professional and say things like,” I only did what needed to be done but at the same time stayed driven and helped others stay motivated as well.

8. Do You Think You Satisfy Your Clients Needs?

This is meant to show how dedicated and motivated you are in the workplace. Your workforce is also monitored during this process. Be sure to give an example of a good customer service you gave a client and who was very happy with it. Choose a recent one because they are more interested in the current and future endeavors. Past experiences matter too but talk mostly about your current achievements.

9. Is There A Time You Needed To Motivate A Fellow Colleague?

Hiring managers mostly ask this question to evaluate a candidate’s nature to be a great leader. You should avoid being too proud when answering this question, even if you have previously motivated a fellow employee. Remember you did it out of your own free will and so you should be very careful when answering it. You can hint a few things on what you did and how you encouraged and supported them. This is a great sign of leadership potency. Be frank about it.

10. Was There A Time You Had To Raise An Uncomfortable Issue With Your Employer?

This is majorly asked to assess whether a candidate is willing to be frank and open. This is way better than remaining silent in case you feel like things are going the wrong way. If you have, be sure to mention it but watch how you go about it. Remember you will also be working for these people if they hire you. Be smart about it. Remember it show how well you manage issues at work.


Be sure to answer these behavioral interview questions well to avoid being denied other opportunities.

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