Best accounting jobs available today

Best accounting jobs available today

Not only is accounting critical to the functioning of any enterprise but also the stepping stone when it comes to expanding the business.  Research shows a shortage in skilled and specialized accountants, and this translates into a wealth of job opportunities. However, to get a job as an accountant, you must have a well-laid strategy, be hard working and have an influential professional network.

Owing to technology advancement, businesses rely on experts to interpret and explain a company’s financial data due to the much information produced. Analysts are also needed when it comes to making decisions concerning expansion plans, and this portrays the demand for talented financial experts.

For one to land themselves one of the best accounting jobs, they should;

Grow their network

Growing network by all means available is essential if one is to get a good accounting job. Using platforms such as LinkedIn or CareerBuilder, set out your profile with your specialties and connect with link minded people. Of course, physical networking is also paramount as it gives a more personalized experience.

Work with a recruiter

Recruiters may increase your chances of getting a job since the work on full-time placements. Companies use recruiters to locate potential hires.

Anti-money laundering (AML) specialists

Average salary $ 75,500

The AML is responsible to efficiently identify and monitor suspicious activities and transactions in the bank and prepare timely reports to the AML Compliance Officer of the bank. They are also required to analyze the day-to-day functioning of the bank and should have the ability to work well with little oversight.

Risk and compliance professionals

Median salary $99,000

Experts in this sphere plan, administer, maintain and implement policies and procedures by the law to deter and detect fraud. They also see to it that if the company is in violation, proper measures are put in place to ensure the violations are addressed and corrective actions put in place.

Teaching in accounting

Professor earns $ 137,800 annually

Once you have a doctoral degree in accounts, one. May venture into teaching accounting students. They also perform research regarding accounting information systems, tax accounting, financial accounting and managerial accounting.

Corporate controller

Median salary $ 112,000

The duty of a corporate controller is to track and maintain various financial aspects of the company. Basically, work is mainly to; prepare business taxes, set company’s financial goals, control how the budget will be spent and oversee employees in the financial departments.

Information technology accountants

Salary $103,910

IT accountants should have expertise in both computer systems and accounting. Basically, they come up with information systems technology best fit for their accounting departments and maintain them.

Finance director

Salary $103,910

They foresee the success, results and efforts of an organization’s finance department giving financial advice to aid in making critical decisions. Financial managers also direct an institution’s financial policies.

Accounting software developer

Annual salary $ 89,000

Accounting software developers are essential to any business in today’s digital world. They assist in actually tracking the financial transactions of a company as well as generating reports. They are also responsible for billing and time tracking.

Spectator sports accounting

Annual salary $ 70,130

The multi-billion-dollar industry has gained interest for accountants to organize financial records of the sports franchises. Generally, it has its perks, most importantly getting tickets to your favorite games.

Environmental accountants

Average salary $ 67,000

Their work involves calculating the environmental costs of business activities. Environmental analysts also help in coming up with cleaner products and place resources in more efficient use.

Managerial accountant

Annual average salary $ 55,000

They look after a company’s accounts by giving detailed financial information and partaking detailed accounts administration. Also, their financial information is used only internally by the enterprise, and the reports are confidential to be used for decision making.

International accountant

Average median salary $ 94,000

International accountants are needed most where a company that deals in exchange rates to analyse and determine alterations in selling and collection dates. They are also pivotal when it comes to establishing subsidiaries in other countries since they are knowledgeable about the different tax laws and regulations.

Chief financial officer

Median salary $173,000

The CFO oversees the finance department of an organization.  The CFO is involved in budgeting, cost benefit analysis, securing new funds and forecasting needs of the company.  Generally, the CFO is responsible for the accuracy, timeliness and legal compliance of all finances.

Cost accountant manager

Average annual salary $ 96,000

He/she is responsible for overall costing and accounting functions of a company. Their work includes auditing, compliance of taxes under various laws and regulations.

Budget analyst

Average annual salary $68,200

A budget analyst distributes funds throughout an organization. Also, they advise the senior managers on the financial needs of each department, and any plans must be accessed and approved by the budget analyst in line with the businesses’ financial goal.

Forensic analyst

Average annual salary $73,000

These accountants analyze a company’s financial record, scanning for any irregularities which may indicate fraud or embezzlement. Also, they advise on how to prevent fraud and may be required to testify in the court in fraud cases.


Average salary $ 51,000

last but not the least is the auditor position. Auditors review the accounts of companies to ensure their financial records are valid and legal. In most cases, the auditors may also give possible risk prevention measures, testing the internal methods of a particular business’s accounting system.

Others include

Tax accountant

Annual range salary $51,000-$70,250

Billing clerk

Annual salary $ 22,472-$41,160


Average annual salary $39,000

Staff accountants

Payroll clerks

Annual range salary $24,000-$44,000




















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