How to Win Over Your Boss

How to Win Over Your Boss

Everyone wants to be at the good side of their boss. Your boss will either make your work place fun or hell. It feels good when our bosses trust and respect us. It gives us a sense of belonging and makes us feel valued. Respect is hard to earn and hard to keep. How you carry yourself at the work place will make your boss respect you. How do you earn respect at your work place? By doing a good job.  So how do you get to win over your boss?

By making good on your promise

Promises are easily made but easily broken too. You don’t want to make your boss think you’re perfect. Never promise to offer more than you can do or deliver. Instead shoot for less and deliver more than you said you would. This will make your boss see potential in you.

Arriving on time

Consistently showing up late for work is a sure bet to loosing points. No boss wants to deal with a worker who’s always late. Keeping time and being at the office when needed strengthens your devoutness and work ethic. Your boss will find you reliable.

Be ready for challenges

Don’t just stand there or hide whenever there are challenges and problems at the office. Look for ways on how to solve and come up with a better plan. Your boss will view you from a different perspective.

Learn how to own up on things that go amiss

Instead of finding excuses when a situation that you were supposed to handle occurs, learn to accept your mistakes and apologize. Accepting mistakes does not make you weak or incompetent. Instead, it shows how responsible you are and that you are not afraid of owning up to them. This makes you strong and is one of the good qualities of a leader.

Learn how to provide solutions instead of identifying problems

Cooperatives have ups and downs and as time goes by, you’ll notice that several things need to be changed or improved. When businesses face problems, the one affected most is the boss. Instead of running to them with more problems, find ways on how to solve the issues and face him/her when you have the solution at hand. This not only helps save the company, but also helps you earn trust and respect from your boss.

Consistency Pays

As much as how much of a bad day you’re having, you must do your level best to deliver quality work. Don’t focus much on the negativity around because it will only limit your productivity. Being consistent with your work helps achieve the required goals you set for yourself and the company’s. With these few tips, you’ll definitely win over your boss.

Know how your boss communicates

Shying away from your boss can cost you. Knowing and understanding how your boss communicates can help you avoid miscommunication. Once you learn, you will notice that this will eventually strengthen your relationship and you’ll be more comfortable when talking to them.



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