The Best Ways to Fit in to a New Team

The Best Ways to Fit into a New Team

Joining a new company and the enthusiasm of starting something new is a great motivation. After surviving a day or two in your new job, you must find ways on how to fit in with your new team. Fitting in with the people you work with will make you feel comfortable at work, as well as safe knowing people have your back. It’s a huge advantage to be on the same page with each member of your team. You adjust to how they work and carry themselves at the workplace. It is your job to become one of them and fit their way of working. The best ways to fit in with your team are listed below.

Let Them Get to Know You

This could be the first step in fitting in the team. Positioning yourself as someone deserving of their support and consideration will help you progress. You should also try and learn more about these members. Uncover things such as what positions they hold at work, where they initially worked or if there are any romantic links between any members. Be tactical when uncovering these questions. You don’t want to raise any suspicions and push them further away. Get them to socialize with you outside of work hours. Go grab dinner or a drink. Take a walk. This is a charming way of building team spirit and best ways to fit in at a new job.

Find a Mentor

A mentor can help you feel settled quickly. Building a good relationship with someone who is wiser than you, and who is established at the company will get you in quicker than anything else. This is probably the smartest and the best ways to fit in.  Your mentor will eventually help you become more familiar and understand the company’s culture and personality. Consequently, this will enable you fit into the team perfectly.

Accepting Change

Expecting things to be different in your new job will be easier if you open yourself to the changes involved. You need to treat everyone you meet with respect and courtesy. You should also put into consideration that it will take time for people to trust and get to know you. But as long as you treat everyone kind and respectfully, you will eliminate most of the bad encounters/people. Whatever happened at your previous job, leave behind. Never assume, never take things personally, just do your best and opportunities are endless.

Add Value to Your Job

Every team has its strengths and weaknesses. Adding value to the team can harness a vital integration with the team. Learn what your colleagues are great at and find out where your strengths could be useful. By being good at your job, you will easily earn your colleagues respect. One of the best ways to fit in at any new job, team, group is to be good at whatever they do. Find your role, offer your talent, and let nature take its course.

Know Your Limits

It’s good to always keep calm and listen to other people’s opinions and ideas. Until you really know people, don’t be tempted to show your new team that you are better than them. You don’t need to tell them all your thoughts, experience or opinions. Use the fact that you are the new person to your advantage. Don’t be quick to judge them or think that you have the answer to every solution either. You don’t want to look arrogant or confrontational. As with sales and many other things I have done in my life, listen! Listening is one of the best ways to fit in, because it shows people you care, and the more you learn, the better you are able to relate and respond.

Beware of Overcommitting Yourself

You can be tempted to volunteer for everything with the aim of making a good impression. But don’t fall for the trap. You need to stay realistic and only take on what you know you can do well. Taking on a little extra work, or doing a bit more on a project isn’t bad. Just don’t be over confident because it might give your team the wrong impression, and make them think you feel that you’re better or special. Be humble and you’ll find more ways to fit in faster.

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