Phone Interviews: How to crack them

Interviews are terrifying. They’re grueling. And here’s the other fun fact about them: they’re inevitable. We all have to have face to face and phone interviews at some point. It could be for something as simple as a place on the school a Capella. Or it could be for something as serious as a spot in a prestigious fellowship or company. Preparing for interviews is a big deal for everyone because of that. Because it puts the bread on the table.

Now, preparing for a face to face interview is easy. That’s because you know all the steps you need to take. You know that you have to dress, walk, and even speak in a certain way. But most people don’t think of phone interviews the same way. To them, phone interviews seem less important. But they’re actually just as important. And here are tips for phone interviews that you might find useful if you’re about to have one.

Tips for Phone Interviews

  • Get yourself in the mood for the interview by dressing properly. That’s because there’s no way you’re going to pull off a phone interview professionally if you’re dressed in your PJs
  • Do your research. You know the way you prep for that face to face interview? The way you call up friends to prepare with before the big day? That’s the same kind of preparation that a phone interview requires. Look up as much as you can about the organization
  • Once you’ve learned a little about the firm that’ll interview you, come up with a list of questions to ask your interviewer. Jot these questions down on a small notebook and place it next to the phone
  • Minutes before the interview, look for a small room where you can talk freely. Make sure it’s enclosed or isolated; you don’t want to start your interview then see your friend or pet just walk in. Or start answering questions only to pause mid sentence as you stare at a program on TV
  • Put all the necessary documentation near you. That includes your CV and cheat sheet (where you put down the talking points for the most common interview questions and your responses. Nothing rigid, just a few pointers)

During the Interview

  • Your phone’s now ringing. It’s time. Pick it up and start off the conversation with a simple, friendly greeting
  • Absurd, considering that your interviewer can’t see you. But the thing is, when you smile, your smile ‘shows up’ in your voice. The positive ring to your voice is good for the interview
  • When the interviewer asks you a question, give your reply in a clear firm voice. Similarly, don’t go for the generic yes and no responses if you can help it
  • Remember to breathe. Sometimes interviews make a person so wound up that they forget to breathe. Taking deep breaths helps calm your nerves if you’re nervous, and that in turn prevents you from suffering from the shaky voice syndrome over the phone
  • At the end of it all, ask questions. Ask about your potential role, the firm’s culture, what the opportunities for growth are and what the next step will be. Leave any questions about your salary out of the conversation; they’ll be time for that later

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