The Best Job Advice You Never Heard

The Best Job Advice You Never Heard

Starting a new job? Are you a little nervous about how things are going to go? Like the first day of school, our stomach is turning, and we don’t know what to expect. It’s intimidating, but it’s all going to be okay. We get over these feelings, and we get back to the job in front of us. Remember that when starting a new job. In this article, we will address different elements of starting a new job. How to fit in with the new team, how to manage our stress levels and expectations, how to interact with our new boss, how to balance our personal life, how to perform at a high level, and ultimately crush our new opportunity. Here you will find some traditional and nontraditional advice, and quite possibly some of The Best Job Advice You Never Heard.

When starting a new job, there are a lot of things going on in your minds. You seek job advice from our parents, friends, family, and mentors. We prepare ourselves the best way we know how. Sometimes the best job advice is to just take a deep breath and relax. There are 3 different things you should prepare yourself for when starting a new job, and that is controlling your emotions, handling yourself correctly around the new team, and crushing your new role.

To get things started in an excellent way, let us first clear our minds and bodies of any negativity. Let’s start with our emotions.

Think Positive.

The best way to think or be is positive. Whether that is in life, love, new opportunity, a job, an accident or a mistake – think happy thoughts.


Because thoughts lead to our reality. Much of what we think is what we are.

Thoughts are powerful! So use them in a positive way. Believing we can do something greatly increases the chances of that actually happening. Positivity exudes positivity. And by being positive, positive things happen. We are more receptive to them, we are open to them, and things naturally begin to happen.

But don’t expect them. Just believe that

Never Assume.

If you haven’t read The 4 Agreements – I highly recommend picking up the book. It will help you in every aspect of your life. And we can certainly apply it to searching for a new job, starting a new job, and everything in between. One of the most common mistakes we make on a daily basis is assuming how things are going to turn out. Why do we torture ourselves with this?

Why do we torture ourselves with this?

It’s almost as if we expect defeat or failure before we’ve even begun.

Break this habit, and guess what?

Things will start to change in your life.

When we send in a job application or a resume, we don’t know the outcome. Most of the time anyway. And assuming can get us in trouble either way. We either think we have the job, and then start planning on it, maybe even depending on it – and then we’re shocked when we don’t get it, or worse, in a really bad situation because we didn’t get it. Why? If we don’t assume, we are already doing everything we can still in the meantime until we get that “Yes” or “You’re hired!” And just the opposite, if we assume we’re not going to get the job, we’re putting stress, doubt and worry into our minds that we don’t need.

When someone was giving me some good job advice awhile back, they told me, “never assume anything going into an interview, or what’s going to happen next, just do your best, do everything that you can, and keep doing that until it lands.”

The same rules apply to when you are starting a new job. Go in with no expectations, other than the ones you have for yourself. You don’t know what it’s going to be like until you’re there. No need to worry yourself over nothing.

Leave your baggage at the door.

Maybe ‘leaving your baggage at the door’ this is something you think more of when starting a new relationship opposed to a new job. But again, maybe that’s why this article is titled, “the best job advice you never heard.”

When a team of people welcomes you into their company and into their lives and likelihood – do you think they want to hear about all the awful things that happened at your last company? Or about how upset or angry you are that they let you go?


Do you think they want to get to know you and learn about the wonderful skills and knowledge you have, and how you’re going to help the team?

If you want really good job advice, leave the past in the past, and focus on the present moment. Opportunity is in front of you, and it could be everything you were hoping for if you give it a chance.


The Best Job Advice once you are in the workplace…

Now that we have cleared our mind, it’s time to get to work. The job advice below will help you embrace the new opportunity, make an impression on your new team, and open you up to a whole new world for success. And this isn’t how to match your new suit and tie, or how to be nice, kiss ass, or play politics. These are things that you second guess yourself about, feel uncertain or unsure of.

Ever find yourself asking, “What should I do? What should I say to that?”

Let’s remedy some of this with some never heard job advice.


Help your team.

Much like the last piece of advice above, help others even if it is out of your scope, and you have nothing to gain. You will gain their trust, appreciation and high praise. You never know who, or when the boss is going to ask someone how you are doing/performing. These people will have nothing but positive things to say.

Don’t push people away.

If someone invites you to go out to get coffee or food, go with it. Make some new friends, and forge some new allies in the office. If you don’t, you might not get the invite again for awhile, and who’s going to get your back?

Don’t be stuck in a box.

Show people you are a team player, and willing to do whatever is needed to better the company. Much of your future success will depend on the off task, extra work that you do outside of your job requirements.

Know your strengths and weaknesses. 

As with anything else strategic in the world – sports, games, your job, politics, etc – you must know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Play to your strengths, and continue to build them. Identify your weaknesses, and work on them. Continue to improve where you are weak more than anything.

Ask questions, and help solve them.

Ask your team, higher ups, boss – “What is our biggest issue or problem?” Work towards creating a solution and help come up with answers. People will love you for this.

Leave any sense of entitlement at the door.

When you walk into any and every situation you should do this, but especially when starting a new career, you should remain humble, kind, respectful and warm. Entitlement has killed many careers.





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